how to treat hemorrhoid , diphtheria , and dysentery , with herbal medicine

Diposting oleh cara hidup sehat on Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

the benefits of tamarind . Tamarind ( Tamarindus indica ) , is one of the plants are tropical plants . Tamarind usually used to mix the food , beverages , and pharmaceuticals . In my previous post about " benefits of cinnamon , and how to treat hypertension and uric acidhow to cure impotence , ejaculation , arthritis, headaches , asthma, and frigidity , with herbal medicines pepper. And , on this occasion let me discuss about some of the benefits of tamarind " how to cure hemorrhoids , diphtheria and dysentery with herbal medicine made ​​from tamarind ".
  Tamarind benefits for treating some kinds of diseases , such as :
  1.   Hemorrhoid  
 The materials needed :
  •  1 gram of tamarindb . 
  •  6 grams of leaves nasty shardc . 
  •  6 grams menirand . 
  •  3 grams of ginger
 Constructing Method : wash thoroughly all ingredients . Then boiled with 1 liter of water , wait until the remaining half- liter . Next, wait for it to cool . Then taken three times a day . 
. Diphtheria 
The materials needed :
 How to make : mash all ingredients until smooth , except for the acid , add water , and then squeeze any excess water , then add the acid . Brewed with hot water , stir until evenly distributed . While warm , use for rinsing . Do it three times a day. 
 3 . Dysentery 
The materials needed : 
  •  5 grams of tamarind 
  •  10 grams of ginger 
  •  10 grams of turmeric 
  •  1 tablespoon of pure honey 
How to make : all the ingredients in mash until smooth , except honey . Add a cup of hot water , then squeezed and filtered . Next, add the honey . And in the drink every morning .In addition to treating hemorrhoids , diphtheria and dysentery , tamarind can also treat several other ailments , such as :    Thrush, how to treat : use enough young tamarind leaves , washed thoroughly . Then boiled with 400 cc of water , add a little turmeric that has been cut thinly . Wait until the remaining 200 cc . then add the palm sugar to taste . Then drink while warm .
Boils , how to treat : leaf spinach and kale leaves in mash until smooth , add 5 grams of tamarind , and a little salt . Glue on skin ulcers , until the surface is covered all . if it is dry , replace with a new one , do repeatedly . In this way , a quick boil will rupture on its own .
Here are some benefits of tamarind and how to treat hemorrhoids , diphtheria and dysentery by using herbal remedies . May be useful for all of us . thank you for your visit .

    See also : How to treat common colds , headaches , sore breasts , high blood pressure , influenza , cough and hemorrhoids

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Unknown mengatakan...

While bleeding hemorrhoids can hurt a lot and cause a lot of irritation, they are generally not very dangerous. It is natural for hemorrhoids to bleed. When the veins swell up they form a pocket of blood. This pocket can be ruptured which is when the bleeding occurs. For the symptom, care and home remedies of the constipation and haemorrhoids visit the site Hemorrhoids treatment . Thank you for this blog

Anonim mengatakan...

Grand piece of Information. I am suffering from hemorrhoids from past 6 months it hurt and itch me when I walk and even I can’t sit comfortably. My situation is so terrible. I tried everything that is available in the US and a few products from China and from the Middle East. Nothing works for me and I get tired of taking pills, I am looking for some natural hemorrhoids treatment . Help me in this regard and suggest me some good treatment.

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